Monday, March 19, 2012

Comfort Food

yes, I enjoy the food. Always have, probably always will. But what's intrigued me is how easily I accept food offers from others. And after having my grandma pass away last week, I respond well to comfort food.

Funerals bring people together, and there is nothing like gathering around some food to fill a basic human need without much thought while other parts of your soul are aching. It's a beautiful concept. And flowers, too. A little piece of life to cure the life you are missing. I have been in awe at the kindness and thoughtfulness of others during this grieving time. My aunt Linda brought by some food for us to eat and a movie for the grandkids to watch. My mom's first grade teacher sent her flowers...not to the funeral home, but to my mom. My sister's best friend from high school sent my mom a card. I got a present from the compassionate service leader in my ward. Diet coke and chocolate were given to me. My sister's co-workers gave her a card and flowers. The generosity of people moving their schedules around to accommodate funeral arrangements. I got due dates of papers moved back. My nephew's boss came to the funeral (granted, that was a coincidence, but appreciated nonetheless). Countless acts of kindness bestowed on my family's behalf. Incredible. I hope that I can remember these feelings of gratitude and pass them to others in times of grief.

I don't want to downplay the passing away of my grandma, she was 96. She had lived a good life, and it wasn't sudden, so on paper, it's not a sad time. Yet, there are changes that will be made. No more gathering at her beyond comfortable house...the smell of it, the familiarity of it, the people in it. No more hugs from her and her firm belief that I will get married. Less opportunities to see those cousins that made up so many childhood memories. Her life was dedicated to goodness and happiness and my life and countless others have been blessed by her. She lived a good life. And I am proud to know her and be a part of her.

The ultimate comfort food though...funeral potatoes. So grateful for the Relief Society who made our family a delicious meal for after the cemetery. But...they were kind of stingy on the potatoes. They served us one scoop. Maybe I'm ungrateful, but really?!?! Luckily, we are good beggars and a few of us got more than one scoop. This food is really the ultimate in healing a broken heart. Thanks to the Rigby Ladies for providing this for our family.

Something that is more comforting than food is knowing that through our Heavenly Father's plan, we will get to see our families again. Life continues after we die. And the life of Jesus Christ teaches us that is is possible. He died that we might live. And He Lives!!


  1. First, an amen to this post. Everything about it, I can relate to... even the extra poundage from said comfort food. I don't regret any of them. :)

    Secondly, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma and sad for you and the loss you feel. It is a real feeling and one that isn't hard to forget. Wish I could give you a big hug! Those were the best sources of comfort for me.

    Finally, I too was awed by the generosity and compassion of so many people at my mom's passing. There are some good people in our lives!

    Love ya!

  2. So sorry to hear about the passing of your grandma. Losing a loved one (no matter what stage of life) is still sad. I am also grateful for my testimony of the Plan of Salvation because it does make it possible for us to see those who've passed away again.

    I also love food and probably always will. Sometimes I wish I didn't turn to it so quickly when I need comfort but oh well. The trick is to choose the right kind of food, right? :)

    I hope Arizona is treating you well!
