Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm it

There are six rules.
1. Post these rules.
2. Post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post (i.e., Kristie's for me).
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them.
6. No saying, "If you are reading this, you're tagged."

11 random things about me.
1. I am obsessed with Hawaiian Haystacks.
2. I remember a lot of random facts about people.
3. My right foot is bigger than my left foot.
4. After many years of piano lessons, I am awesome at sightseeing. After that, my playing goes downhill dramatically.
5. I love using a planner.
6. When making a comment on blogs, I get nervous when I have to do the security word fill in...what if I misspell the word and my comment gets lost!! Stresses me out.
7. My mom can make me smile by saying "there's a smile crawling up your leg!" Pretty sure I'm the only human that works on.
8. One time, I was cutting my fingernails, and a small piece got stuck in my eye. It hurt.
9. I love to talk to myself.
10. I had a few imaginary friends growing up (see number 9).
11. I can count on one hand how many times I've made scrambled eggs. I'm more of a fried eggs kind of gal.

Kristie's questions for me.

1. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what are they're names? No. But I do try to run over cats in the street. Does that count?
2. What is your favorite dessert of all time? Cinnamon Rolls
3. Are you an Oxford Comma user? According to Wikipedia....I go half and half.
4. What's the best field trip you ever went on? I did a summer travel study, visiting U.S. History, Church History and Literature sites throughout the United States. 1 Month long. By far the best field trip ever.
5. If you had a time machine and could travel to any time in history, what would it be? Since it's Sunday...the days of Enoch. I'd like to know what Zion really is like.
6. Who is the most influential teacher you ever had? Why? So many. Each teacher has taught me something about myself. I could be super nerdy and tell you all the teachers I've ever had, but I will spare you and share 2. Ms. MacAusland. She was a crazy teacher, but understood stuff so much and was passionate about it. And taught me how to spell sovereignty. I figured I could be like her someday. Stephen Smith. His mom called him Stephen, and if we thought we were better than her, we could call her something else. He challenged my mind and view on things constantly, and in a conservative college, it was needed.
7. What is your favorite makeup product? Mascara. Or chapstick, but that's more of a basic human right.
8. What's better? Clean sheets or new pillows? Clean sheets for sure. I like my pillows flat. New pillows make my neck hurt.
9. What is your favorite poem? Of course Kristie would ask this. I have no idea. Longfellow is nice.
10. What is your secret to happiness? Good food, don't question life but believe that you have it all, be obedient to the gospel, take naps, find things humorous.
11. What's your favorite movie of all time? Mary Poppins

My questions for the friends I tag.
1. What book section is your favorite at Barnes & Noble?
2. Who would you want to play you in a screen adaptation of your life?
3. What's your shower routine?
4. Where is your favorite place?
5. Why did you choose where you're at right now in life?
6. Are you ticklish?
7. What's your favorite piece of art?
8. Which store would you spend the most money in?
9. What makes you find joy in the journey?
10. If you had to punch a family member in the face where would it be and why?
11. What is your favorite joke?

I tag...Megan, Mel, Kate, & Jake.


  1. Am I the Jake here? It's a fairly common name. Also item #5 is telling me if it were me then someone would have mentioned it on my blog.

  2. I usually do not get nervous making comments on blogs. However, after reading your random fact all of a sudden I have been very nervous. So thanks. :)

  3. I'm so glad you did this! Word verifications make me nervous too! That's why I rarely comment on blogs that have them...Except yours of course!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Suggestion on being worried if your comment doesn't get posted. On occasion I will copy my comment before I post, that way if something does go wrong, I have a copy. :)
