Monday, September 20, 2010

Remember Who You Are

On Saturday night, I received a text from a boy who has given me my more than a fair share of headaches. He asked me what I was up to and so I let him know that I was just leaving for a party. He jokingly replied "Remember who you are." To which I responded "A desperate single woman?" He didn't really believe that I was desperate, and I told him the pickins are pretty slim in the valley. I think that scared him a bit, but it made me think...and dating life. No, I'm not desperate, but usually I think my dating pool is comparable to the Great Salt Lake. It's gross, shallow and shrinking. Apparently Salt Lake City has a higher number of men than women. I guess they count the gay community and the Bluffdale Correctional Facility in that number :0)

BUT, since I don't get to pick which commandments to follow - namely, dating - marriage, I've been asking for a change of heart so I'm not so bitter about the situation. Oddly, I haven't even been this bitter about dating, ever. That's a lot of time. Yesterday, I was reading in the Book of Mormon, Ether 4:13 "Come unto me, O ye Gentiles, and I will show unto you the greater things." These are the words of Christ, speaking to the Brother of Jared. Contextually, it's saying that we need to come to God and repent. Personally, it's saying that if I seek to come to God and trust in Him and His Servants, it will be a greater thing. No need for bitterness. So I will have trust to keep going and avoid the bitterness. Nothing good ever comes from that.

And then, upon getting to work today, I heard about the Camp Williams fire that got out of control yesterday and nearly destroyed a lot of homes and lives. My co-worker's brother lives right on the edge of where the fire came, and after hearing the story of evacuating the family, etc., I am humbled. I really don't have much to complain about.

Ultimately, remember who you are - you are a Child of God. Remember that relationship, develop that relationship, cherish it, and you will be happy and blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Good message, Julie. You are a smart girl. Sounds like you are working on the best relationship of all!! Love you. Come visit us one of these days.
