Thursday, April 26, 2012

Call to Repentance

Confession:  sometimes I don't like to answer the phone.   

Well, the other day, I was deciding to take a nap, and my phone started to ring, I looked at who was calling, and did a quick mental check of why she would be calling.  I couldn't think of anything, and having a chip on my shoulder about something, I put the phone down, and went to sleep.  20 minutes later, I listened to the voicemail.  She was in such a huge bind and needed a ride somewhere important.  Luckily, I was able to call her back and we were able to make it to her appointment, just a few minutes late.

Now, I know that I can't be there for everyone, all the time, that's impossible and unreasonable to think.  But I still do, AND this time, I chose to not even reach out to be of service.  I avoided it.  And I felt like such a jerk, and still kind of do.  I have been called to repentance, no pun intended, but it's catchy. 

There is a story of President Monson of how he had kind of been putting off a prompting all day long, and finally went to do it.  It was to visit someone in the hospital, and when he got there, the person just just passed away.  He was heartbroken and devastated.  But he made a promise to never put off a prompting again.  And he has blessed so many lives because of his skill in hearing the prompting of the spirit and acting.

Now, I know I'm not comparable to President Monson, but I feel a little of what he felt.  It has been a hard pill for me to swallow and I still feel very humbled by the experience.   I hope that all of us can find and act on opportunities to serve, and not let person biases stop us from serving.

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