Thursday, February 24, 2011

Int'l Events

In a wee little effort to be a bit more informed on the events that are happening in the world, I decided at lunch today to read fox news. The headline article is about a 20 year old college student from Saudi Arabia who was arrested for planning an attack on President Bush's home via bombing.

Perhaps it's because I've been watching too much "Veronica Mars," but I've become highly suspicious of both sides of every story. This guy could have totally been set up. Or he could have really done it. I'm not going to delve into that right now. And I won't make any remark on the writing style of journalists who can spin a story any way. :0)

But I do want to point out something that make me think: "Yesterday's arrest demonstrates the need for and the importance of vigilance and the willingness of private individuals and companies to ask questions and contact the authorities when confronted with suspicious activities." - James Jacks

There's a TV show called "What Would You Do?" Situations are staged in public places to see what kind of reaction people will give. That's cheap. Mostly, whatever happens is none of my business.


Where is the line of asking questions and minding your own business?

My friend pulled into her apartment complex and notice a group of boys by the building who pulled back when her headlights hit them. What did she do? She pulled back out and shone her headlights on them. I think that qualifies as vigilant.

I do think there is an element of civic duty that needs to be adhered to. It's like the neighborhood watch. Look out for things that aren't normal. Be observant. Care about and notice others around you. One thing about living alone that terrifies me is, if I were to die, no one would know...for several days. Why? I don't have someone checking up on me daily. I may have a stalker out there somewhere, but based on the stalker profile, nothing would be admitted to anyone else if there was a problem.

Something to think about. Any thoughts?


  1. I would start wondering by the afternoon of the first business day. So if you do die alone, try not to die on a weekend, ok?

  2. That girl is BRAVE. I would be too afraid that I'd get shot.
