Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I have never been one to really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Sure, I MIGHT wear green that day, but probably not. Really, who's going to pinch me as an adult?

Last night for fhe we had an Irish night. The highlight was by far the dancing. The mother of some stellar people in my ward came and demonstrated her amazing skill and then taught us a little jig. It was so much fun. There's something about just jumping around in a little bit of order that is so pleasing to me. I found myself just giggling.

So here's my hurrah to the Irish and their totally fun dancing.

ALSO...on a bit of Kenyan news, my parents got their flight plans for coming back to America. I am so excited, and so is every single member of my family. They fly into Idaho Falls on July 2. I might try and get on the flight from Salt Lake to Idaho Falls with them :0)

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