Monday, April 12, 2010


I am in love with this flower: hyacinth. I'm not totally confident in the pronunciation, but all shades of this flower make my day.

I walked outside to go to lunch with my friend today and the wonderful wind brought the most delicious smell. And then I looked and saw so many wonderful flowers and the blossoms on the trees. Incredible!

As I was walking back through Temple Square, I saw the grounds crew digging up some dirt and doing their thing. I got so jealous of their job. During winter, I have zero jealousy, but right now until it snows again - in the fall time, not next week - I have intense jealousy. Me and my co-worker decided that we should have 3 days of inside jobs, 3 days of outside jobs. There's something about digging in the dirt and pulling weeds and cutting grass that just makes me feel so alive and productive.

Which reminds me - the other day, the grounds crew was cutting grass on my walk to work. Such a glorious smell! Rejuvenating.


  1. I'll second your motion for requiring outdoor work. We started a new policy at work, to take the smokers out ever three hours. I love it when my turn comes around, just because I get to go outside! I'll even endure the second hand smoke for such a pleasure.

  2. they make temple square smell beautiful!

  3. I'd love a 3 days inside, 3 days outside policy.
