Monday, April 19, 2010

Tulip Tree

I made a brilliant discovery this weekend. It's a tulip tree. I'm sure there's a more scientific term for it, but "tulip tree" was enough to pull it up on a google search. Thanks to for this beauty! My brother-in-law told me where there are some in SLC, so I'm going to do a little family home evening activity tonight and find them and photograph them. I'm excited. Oh, and this website that I found, has a killer recipe for Thai Mango Sorbet. I'm going to try it. Mmm!

Last weekend was the Salt Lake Half-Marathon. It was totally fun. My rockin' sister and her husband came and ran with me. And I'm not even that sore. I was nervous going in to it - I didn't exercise at all last week, and conveniently gained 4 pounds. Whoops! But it was great. The morning was BEAUTIFUL and the company was FANTASTIC. I'll probably do it again.

And I want a pair of cowgirl boots. Like my niece. She's 2.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You go girl! I'm so proud of you! I need to start running. . .again. . .my goal is the Freedom Run for the 4th of July. We'll wee though. Pretty picture of the tree. It's called a Magnolia tree, (although I think tulip tree is more expressive,) and they thrive in warm, humid areas. I was so shocked when I saw a few around BYU and SLC when I spend my first spring in Utah. I didn't know they were hearty to survive a few snow springs. Pretty, huh?

  3. I know where you can find a tulip tree!!!! If you want to drive to Orem.
    BUT the picture that you posted is a magnolia, which is different from a tulip tree. But they have magnolias on temple square! And I saw some on the half course too. :)

  4. I did not discover that tree until we moved here, but it has become one of my favorites because it blooms so early and is so fragrant! I also love Hyacinth, but I'm afraid to tell people because I do not know how to say it either. Convenient I can just type it! Congrats on the run. I'm sure it felt good to be able to do it! (I saw Camille at Time out For Women! Crazy world!)
