Friday, November 20, 2009


Last week, I got to work and realized that my phone was not working. I was absolutely ecstatic! I hate answering the phone, yet it is a big portion of my job. I answer the phone for everyone. I get all the roll-over calls from my 8 co-workers. Plus, my own line. Plus, the outside line (which is the only number listed on Plus, the reception line. Basically, I answer phone calls all day long. So when my phone didn't work, I didn't stress out, at all. Then I remembered that my manager was gone and he told everyone to call me. Small stress. So they fixed my phone quite quickly, but it wasn't set up the same as before. Totally fine. We're getting a new phone system in a month. I can deal with it.

Fast forward to Thursday afternoon.

I have been swamped with work and actually been able to get through it all with hardly any distractions. I was really enjoying this thought, when suddenly it dawned on me...I've been getting a TON of voicemail, but don't really think I've purposefully ignored the call, or even heard it ring. Why? So I hurriedly emailed the lady in charge of phones, and sure enough, my line for the reception & outside calls had not been ringing. She activated that and viola! The phone was blissfully ringing steady for the rest of the day, and my inability to complete a project in a timely manner returned. Glory.

Do I feel bad? Well, yeah, kind of, it is part of my job after all. But it was so nice to maintain concentration and get so much accomplished. So back to answering the phones, back to being service oriented, back (sorry, the phone just rang) to life.

1 comment:

  1. i feel so ignored! i was calling to see if i could download everything!
